I recently came across this article about changes to the tax laws for 2011 and thought you might find it useful as April 17th grows nearer.  It's the time of year when, like you, I began to get anxious about preparing my taxes. It dawned on me that I'm tense until I find out my magic number. You know one.  It's the number that determines if I'll owe money or if I'll get a tax refund. For many years, I was elated, thrilled even, if I didn't owe.  I just didn't want to have to write a check.  But I've since discovered a way to ensure I could lower my tax bill altogether.

On a mission to empower you, this post is my way of  paying it forward and helping you LOWER YOUR TAXES, too!

Being an advocate of the direct sales industry, I realize that you may not be aware of the MANY tax benefits of having a home-based direct sales business.  Begin by just imagining what the bottom line on your tax return would look like if you could claim some or all of the following as deductions:
  • Auto mileage or expenses
  • Electronic business tools (i.e., phone, tablet, computer, camera)
  • Cell phone service
  • Internet service
  • Office supplies
  • Travel & Entertainment
  • Personal Development (i.e., seminars, books, subscriptions)

Why should you pay a higher percentage of your income in taxes than the wealthiest 1% of Americans do? 
It's just plain silly to pay more in taxes than you have to, especially when you could put your extra tax savings towards retirement savings, family vacations or enjoying a better lifestyle. I truly believe that everyone who has a corporate job, owes it to themselves to have their own home based business as well!

The wealthiest 1% know that makeing more money is just one part of the wealth-building equation.  The other part is protecting your income and therefore, improving your NET WORTH. 

YOUR...Income & Assets
MINUS...Expenses & Liabilities

GET STARTED NOW!  If you're not sure where to get started to have your own home-based business and would like a recommendation, let's chat.  For an amazing home-based business that will empower your BODY, SOUL, STYLE & SPIRIT, consider joining me in Soul Purpose.  Let's see if it's a fit for you.  Yes, it's just a conversation, but it's one I believe that can change your life.

And as, Dr. Maya Angelou says, "When we know better, we do better!"  Let's get to the "doing better" part. 

With your success in mind,
Cheryl A Cormier

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