I recently read an article in the Youngevity Newsletter that talks about this disease that affects 7.5 million Americans...what causes it, the different forms that it can take and other associated health risks. While it may not be a life threatening disease, learning that "25% of people who suffer with psoriasis also suffer with depression" really speaks to just how debilitating it can be for those affected.
Naturally, from a health and wellness perspective, I am so grateful for natural products that provide healing and beauty from the inside and out.
90 FOR LIFE -- By giving the body the 90 essential nutrients it requires, the body is prepared nutritionally to fight for itself. The testimonials are so remarkable, abundant and I hear more and more everyday. I invite you to read a few for yourself in my 90 ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS FREE E-Book and learn about the power of minerals and nutrition for yourself.
THERAPEUTIC SALVE -- REMEDE! This amazing product treats the skin topically with soothing, healing natural ingredients like cocoa butter (yes, just like what we used as kids), shea butter and witch hazel. Mother's have cried in relief to find REMEDE is a viable alternative to the typical prescription ointments, most of which contain steroids.
I hope this points you in a direction that support adopting a wellness lifestyle for your entire family. Here's to your healthy skin!
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