There are many factors that affect the rate of our metabolism which shows that it's more than just genetics!" As we all strive to our absolute best, it's best to consider when you eat, how much sleep you get, your water intake and even if you're eating too little.
I wanted to share this article,
"Metabolism is Key in Your Weight Loss" because I found it very helpful. It offers very specific things things we can do to improve our metabolism and thus, our weight loss. In the article, author Rocio Ramos writes,
"Taking these 10 guidelines into consideration when following a diet and exercise program may certainly help in any weight loss plateau you may have. You can also always utilize the Healthy Body Challenge site,, for more weight loss tips; there are even specific tips for the Healthy Body Weight Loss participants. If you’re starting a new exercise program, try the Healthy Body Athletic Pak to make sure you’re getting the right nutrients to help your body recover from your workouts. Also, check out this week’s HBC Call which talks about Optimizing Your Performance."
Another interesting resource I found in my research is a slideshow on entitled,
"10 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism." All-in-all, I believe the more information we have, the more empowered we can be in taking charge of our well-being.
Read, enjoy and let me how I can assist you in your quest for total wellness!