Remember that famous Arsenio Hall phrase,
"Things that make you go hmmmm!"
I had one of those moments this morning as I was getting dressed.
I thought about all of the beautiful and talented sisters and brothers that I/we are fans of and freely support with our hard earned dollars. We're master consumers of everything they do from TV shows to movies, music to books, shoes to fragrances, clothing, handbags, cosmetics, and more. And this support and love is freely given because their success is an inspiration that we, too, can be successful in our entrepreneurial efforts.

I have AMAZING products (I'm an independent Soul Purpose Business Owner) to share and I wonder, "Hmmm, can I get support in return." So, I decided to find out by tweeting this post to those who inspire me as well as the everyday sister and brother who enjoy caring for themselves with quality products.
Dear Celeb,
If you've read this far, "Thank You!" I know you're continually bombarded with any and every kind of request under the sun. So first and foremost, please know that I appreciate you and this is LEGIT! You've received this tweet because I admire and support you in all that you do. But as the good book says, "You have not, because you ask not." So I'm asking for your support this holiday season and I hope that you'll make Soul Purpose -- an amazing collection of personal care body products -- part of your holiday gift-giving plans this year. I know you'll love the products personally and so will your friends. Just reply and I'll send you FREE samples right away to try.
In addition, here are my special deals, available only through me (not through Soul Purpose Corporate), so please contact me directly for assistance!
Specials Deals through December 15th!
- Privacy & confidentiality assured!
- FREE Ground Shipping
- FREE Gift with every order over $50!
- Money-back guarantee!
- FREE Samples!
- Immediate shipping!
Now, just press PLAY, or copy the link below
into your browser to learn more about the collection.
Happy holidays and thanks for your support!
Cheryl A Cormier